


Live components

Live components

Live components

Framer partner badge

If you're Framer partner and want to proudly showcase that on your site, use this component that animates infinitely and scales while resizing.

Framer partner badge

If you're Framer partner and want to proudly showcase that on your site, use this component that animates infinitely and scales while resizing.

Framer partner badge

If you're Framer partner and want to proudly showcase that on your site, use this component that animates infinitely and scales while resizing.

Purchase buttons

Selling your product through Gumroad, LemonSqueezy, Paypal or Stripe? Use these hand-crafted sell buttons that denotes where the user will be taken for the payment on hover.

Purchase buttons

Selling your product through Gumroad, LemonSqueezy, Paypal or Stripe? Use these hand-crafted sell buttons that denotes where the user will be taken for the payment on hover.

Purchase buttons

Selling your product through Gumroad, LemonSqueezy, Paypal or Stripe? Use these hand-crafted sell buttons that denotes where the user will be taken for the payment on hover.

Card hover

Create cards with overlay effects in less than 5 mins. Great for explainer sections or mini links on your site.

Card hover

Create cards with overlay effects in less than 5 mins. Great for explainer sections or mini links on your site.

Card hover

Create cards with overlay effects in less than 5 mins. Great for explainer sections or mini links on your site.

View toggle

Want your Framer website's page / section to have a view toggle? I made a starter file so you don't have to.

View toggle

Want your Framer website's page / section to have a view toggle? I made a starter file so you don't have to.

View toggle

Want your Framer website's page / section to have a view toggle? I made a starter file so you don't have to.

Components every weekend

I'll be shipping a component for free every weekend. Click below to stay in loop via Twitter.

Components every weekend

I'll be shipping a component for free every weekend. Click below to stay in loop via Twitter.

Components every weekend

I'll be shipping a component for free every weekend. Click below to stay in loop via Twitter.

Learn Framer

Learn Framer

Learn Framer

Google's landing page in Framer

Learn how to design & ship Google's homepage in a 45-min detailed video.

Google's landing page in Framer

Learn how to design & ship Google's homepage in a 45-min detailed video.

Google's landing page in Framer

Learn how to design & ship Google's homepage in a 45-min detailed video.

Request a website

Have a website in mind that you'd like me to breakdown & recreate in Framer?

Request a website

Have a website in mind that you'd like me to breakdown & recreate in Framer?

Request a website

Have a website in mind that you'd like me to breakdown & recreate in Framer?

More from the community…

More from the community…

More from the community…

Button smooth transition effect in navigation

Eddy shows how you can create a custom navigation component which has smooth hover transition from one link to another.

Button smooth transition effect in navigation

Eddy shows how you can create a custom navigation component which has smooth hover transition from one link to another.

Button smooth transition effect in navigation

Eddy shows how you can create a custom navigation component which has smooth hover transition from one link to another.

Horizontal scroll in Framer

Learn how to create a killer horizontal scroll effect in Framer by Filip Gadziński

Horizontal scroll in Framer

Learn how to create a killer horizontal scroll effect in Framer by Filip Gadziński

Horizontal scroll in Framer

Learn how to create a killer horizontal scroll effect in Framer by Filip Gadziński

Integrating Rive asset with Framer

A mini-tutorial by Abe covering Setting up rive app, Integrating Rive asset with Framer, Tricks for creating scrolling animation, and Using overrides.

Integrating Rive asset with Framer

A mini-tutorial by Abe covering Setting up rive app, Integrating Rive asset with Framer, Tricks for creating scrolling animation, and Using overrides.

Integrating Rive asset with Framer

A mini-tutorial by Abe covering Setting up rive app, Integrating Rive asset with Framer, Tricks for creating scrolling animation, and Using overrides.

Button interactions with variants in Framer

Learn how to make a like button interaction and how to use nested components with variants to create interactions further in this Framer tutorial.

Button interactions with variants in Framer

Learn how to make a like button interaction and how to use nested components with variants to create interactions further in this Framer tutorial.

Button interactions with variants in Framer

Learn how to make a like button interaction and how to use nested components with variants to create interactions further in this Framer tutorial.

Custom cursor in Framer

A custom cursor experiment using only one code component by Clara.

Custom cursor in Framer

A custom cursor experiment using only one code component by Clara.

Custom cursor in Framer

A custom cursor experiment using only one code component by Clara.

Gradient hover effect on buttons in Framer

Nandi shows how to create a gradient hover effect for button in this Framer tutorial.

Gradient hover effect on buttons in Framer

Nandi shows how to create a gradient hover effect for button in this Framer tutorial.

Gradient hover effect on buttons in Framer

Nandi shows how to create a gradient hover effect for button in this Framer tutorial.

Sliding hover effect on button in Framer

Framer tutorial about how you can create a sliding hover effect for your button by Nandi.

Sliding hover effect on button in Framer

Framer tutorial about how you can create a sliding hover effect for your button by Nandi.

Sliding hover effect on button in Framer

Framer tutorial about how you can create a sliding hover effect for your button by Nandi.

Create a video button in Framer

Aleks shares how you can make the famous video button that everybody is talking about and one that you can find on Insta360 and Framer's official website.

Create a video button in Framer

Aleks shares how you can make the famous video button that everybody is talking about and one that you can find on Insta360 and Framer's official website.

Create a video button in Framer

Aleks shares how you can make the famous video button that everybody is talking about and one that you can find on Insta360 and Framer's official website.

Button with running stroke

Learn how Nandi created this running stroke effect in Framer without any code. 🪄

Button with running stroke

Learn how Nandi created this running stroke effect in Framer without any code. 🪄

Button with running stroke

Learn how Nandi created this running stroke effect in Framer without any code. 🪄